Monday, September 3, 2007

Closets doubles its sales!

I just learned that a digital copy of Closets sold last month. That brings its worldwide total up to... two copies. That's right, there's the copy my mom bought last year, and then this latest one. I gave out a lot of flyers for Closets at the convention last weekend; likely the sale was due to one of those.

Promotion does work! Yay!


Sara at Come Away With Me said...

Hi Timothy, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Love your cool headshot in your profile...I've tried that too, playing around with my iMac in the past, but haven't posted mine.

Saints and Spinners said...

I don't know what we'd do without our moms. My mom said once that my blog was the best she'd ever read, and my friend pointed out that it was the ONLY blog she had ever read.;)