The last time I updated this blog was June of 2011. It's been a while, you might say, yet I haven't missed it or even thought about it. This blog no longer serves a purpose for me, so I've decided to let it go.

I've put a great deal of thought into my online presence; I'll still make regular updates to my other blogs, Worlds of Tim and Biblical Proportions, and I'm thinking of adding a couple of new ones. Every now and again I get the urge to write about subjects that concern me, subjects that don't fit with the writing focus of Worlds of Tim. I would also like a place where I could post new short stories I've written. New blogs along these lines will be coming soon.

This is hardly goodbye. I'll leave this blog up for a few more months for reference purposes, and I'll probably poach posts from it to use elsewhere. This is the last time I'll be posting here, though. It's been a good run - 2007 to 2012 - and I've had good fun doing it. I learned a lot about the world of the Internet, made some fantastic mistakes, made a lot of online friends (some of whom I've had the pleasure of meeting in person!) and generally had a good time. I hope my readers have, too.